6 Degrees of Dealing With Difficult People We live half a mile from the nearest Fry’s grocery store. The prices are the best in town. This used to be my go-to grocery place, but I finally had to stop frequenting the place because it had slowly plunged into...
How to Get Your Needs Met When I get hungry, things go downhill fast. Nobody knows this better than my husband, who loves me without condition. Consequently, one of his reasons for existing includes a passionate desire to help me maintain my blood sugar above a...
Podcast: Effective Ways to Get More Out of Your Communication Episode 9 http://media.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/p/content.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/How_to_Talk_to_Knucklheads_Final_MXDWN.mp3 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher! Disclaimer:...
Why Am I Always Being Dumped? Being the Dumpee Sucks. For over twenty years of my life, I constantly wondered this. But first… I was lucky enough to participate in a Google Plus Hangout On-Air (yesterday) for the first time. In the first of its series, California...
6 Tricks on How To Talk to Knuckleheads During the dawn of my adulthood, I spent 4 years learning how to talk to knuckleheads. At Arizona State University they called it “majoring in Communcation.” In theory, learning how to talk to knuckleheads was fun. In real...