One of the most turbulent aspects of a divorce can be reaching an agreement as to how the children should be cared for. Most of the time, both sides are going to feel very strongly that they should be the one to take care of the children. These feelings can lead to...
6 Degrees of Dealing With Difficult People We live half a mile from the nearest Fry’s grocery store. The prices are the best in town. This used to be my go-to grocery place, but I finally had to stop frequenting the place because it had slowly plunged into...
How to Get Your Needs Met When I get hungry, things go downhill fast. Nobody knows this better than my husband, who loves me without condition. Consequently, one of his reasons for existing includes a passionate desire to help me maintain my blood sugar above a...
Podcast: Effective Ways to Get More Out of Your Communication Episode 9 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher! Disclaimer:...
Why Am I Always Being Dumped? Being the Dumpee Sucks. For over twenty years of my life, I constantly wondered this. But first… I was lucky enough to participate in a Google Plus Hangout On-Air (yesterday) for the first time. In the first of its series, California...