If there’s one thing I’ve found, is that child support is one of the most divisive and debated aspects of a divorce. Debating custody can be a war in its own right, but support can be a tricky for people with inconsistent income. Luckily he Arizona...
Michael Moore and the Divorce Date of Separation The documentary filmmaker, Michael Moore, is about to engage in one doozy of a divorce. Moore and his wife, Kathleen Glynn, married more than 23 years ago. One major dispute in the proceeding is the determination of the...
Supreme Court Domestic Violence Ruling Impacts Arizonan’s Gun Rights In a recent ruling, The U.S. Supreme Court strengthened federal law that prohibits those individuals found guilty of domestic violence from owning a gun. Under the 9-0 ruling, even individuals that...
Family Law. Human Excrement. Human excrement. That is where it’s at, my friend. Human waste (AKA “crap”) is one of the things that propelled me into a career in the family law arts. “Crap” has taught me virtually everything I need to know about divorce, child...
Confessions of a Mouthbreather I have a confession to make. I am a mouthbreather. If you don’t know what a mouthbreather is, the Urban Dictionary defines one as this: Anyone who you see with their mouth wide open, like a booger has clogged their nasal orifice. They...