7 Ways to Prepare for a Deposition in Your Divorce Case

7 Ways to Prepare for a Deposition in Your Divorce Case When you tell someone they need to sit for a deposition, they often panic and say they won’t do it.  Some respond by saying something like “Oh, that’ll be a perfect time to tell every detail of my life story and...

Why The Principle of the Matter Doesn’t Matter

Why The Principle of the Matter Doesn’t Matter The principle of the matter doesn’t really matter. In a moment when someone has wronged you, it feels like it is the ONLY thing that matters, but it doesn’t. What does matter? Peace. In your heart. And in your life....

Mud-Slinging E-Mails to Your Ex and Unclean Hands at Trial

Mud-Slinging E-Mails to Your Ex and Unclean Hands at Trial Written by: Tracy Augustin What Are Unclean Hands?  The doctrine of “unclean hands” was one of my favorites going through law school. Why, you wonder? Well, mainly because it was so easy to understand and...

What Family Law Judges Want

What Family Law Judges Want Episode 29 http://media.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/p/content.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/Chris_Whitten_Session_FINAL_MXDWN.mp3 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher! Disclaimer: The materials and content within this...

A Recipe for Successful Settlement in Your Family Law Case

A Recipe for Successful Settlement in Your Family Law Case The Difference Between Positions and Interests Written by: Stefano Ceroni Generally speaking, it is the objective of anyone who is involved in a debate, argument, dispute or formal litigation to advocate for a...