7 Ways to Prepare for a Deposition in Your Divorce Case

7 Ways to Prepare for a Deposition in Your Divorce Case When you tell someone they need to sit for a deposition, they often panic and say they won’t do it. Some respond by saying something like “Oh, that’ll be a perfect time to tell every detail of my life story and...

Stages of Love: Social Media in Divorce and Dating

Stages of Love: Social Media in Divorce and Dating As you can imagine, social media is the perfect place for every stage of love.  You can meet someone new through a dating site, as well as  through mutual friends or interests. You can build your connections every day...

Study: America No Longer Creeped Out by Open Marriages

Study: America No Longer Creeped Out by Open Marriages Recent Research on Open Marriages Recently consciously uncoupled stars Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband, Chris Martin, allegedly had an open marriage.  It might not be the craziest idea that two super-busy artists...

Orders of Protection, Domestic Violence and Child Custody

Orders of Protection, Domestic Violence and Child Custody Episode 27 http://media.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/p/content.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/Say_No_to_Divorce_Litigation_and_Yes_to_Collaborative.mp3 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher!...

Disclose MY Medical Records During Divorce?

Disclose MY Medical Records During Divorce? Clients often ask “do I have to disclose MY medical records during divorce?”  Many of them believe thatbecause this information is personal, private and possibly prejudicial, they can lock it up and throw away the key.  In...