“L’Eggo my Eggo”-AZ Sole and Separate Property

“L’Eggo my Eggo”-AZ Sole and Separate Property Written by: Stefano Ceroni Just because Arizona is a “community property” State doesn’t mean Arizona divorce couples can’t own sole and separate property. In fact, only property acquired during marriage (with a few small...

AZ Community Property, Commingling and Cooties

AZ Community Property, Commingling and Cooties Written by: Stefano Ceroni Even if they know and understand AZ community property laws, divorcing couples often assume that if a party owns a financial account or vehicle that is solely in one person’s name, the spouse...

“A Man’s Grill is Community Property” says Arizona.

“A Man’s Grill is Community Property” says Arizona. Written by: Stefano Ceroni When community property division becomes an issue in divorce, few things in a man’s home are as important to him as his grill. Whether gas, electric, wood burning or charcoal, a grill is an...