When You Fail Better, You F.A.I.L. to Win

Episode 63 http://media.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/p/content.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/When_You_Fail_Better_You_F_A_I_L_to_Win_With_Triffany_Hammond.mp3 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher! Disclaimer: The materials and content within this...

The Ability to Adapt Is Vital to Your Existence. Let Me Tell You Why.

The Ability to Adapt Is Vital to Your Existence. Let Me Tell You Why. The Ability to Adapt Doesn’t Always Come Natural My eyes are my best feature. They actually change colors. Because of this fact, as a little girl, my dad used to call me “chameleon eyes.” Sometimes...