High-Conflict Relationships And Your Children-Episode 1 Episode 1 http://media.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/p/content.blubrry.com/familylawinsider/Episode_2_FinalMXDN.mp3 Leave us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and Stitcher! Disclaimer: The materials and content...
Why Am I Always Being Dumped? Being the Dumpee Sucks. For over twenty years of my life, I constantly wondered this. But first… I was lucky enough to participate in a Google Plus Hangout On-Air (yesterday) for the first time. In the first of its series, California...
What Elvis and Dwight Yoakam Say About Suspicious Minds Music heals the soul, energizes the body and even fires up the passion machine. Music is always there when we need some direction and ESPECIALLY when we need a lift. It helps us through our relationship ups and...
How to Make Your Relationships and Life Easier Through Contribution In today’s society, it’s all about the “easy”. It’s splattered all over your Facebook news feed along with ads that proclaim “instant” happiness when you click the button to meet “the woman of your...
6 Tricks on How To Talk to Knuckleheads During the dawn of my adulthood, I spent 4 years learning how to talk to knuckleheads. At Arizona State University they called it “majoring in Communcation.” In theory, learning how to talk to knuckleheads was fun. In real...
A Cheating Spouse (No Fault Divorce) Means Nobody Cares Written by: Stefano Ceroni Ever since New York State adopted no fault divorce in 2010, nobody in this country has to prove marital fault to end a marriage. Yes, gone are the days where couples who could no longer...