Fifty Shades of Reasonableness During Divorce

Fifty Shades of Reasonableness During Divorce Your “shade” of reasonableness during divorce is one of the top factors that will make or break your case: It can mean that you finish your divorce quickly. Or not. It can mean that you spend tens and tens of thousands of...

The WRONG Way to Buy a Car

The WRONG Way to Buy a Car I detest the entire car buying experience.  I only do it when forced.  Before I am willing to step foot into a car dealership, my current ride has to be broken-down and completely falling apart. Like most people, when buying a car, I want to...

Get a Cheap Divorce! Only $299!

Get a Cheap Divorce! Only $299! “Divorce for $299” advertisements are scattered everywhere.  They are difficult to miss in most people’s comings and goings.  I see them on billboards on the side of the road.  They show up in my Facebook newsfeed.  “Divorce for $299”...

7 Steps to Save Money During a Divorce

7 Steps to Save Money During a Divorce Do you want to save money during a divorce? I have never met someone going through a divorce who doesn’t want to do this.  Why? A divorce can cost upwards $10,000, and that’s with only minimal litigation. Really. Maybe you are...

There’s a New Four-Letter Word in Divorce-Attorney’s “F-E-E-S”

There’s a New Four-Letter Word in Divorce-Attorney’s “F-E-E-S” Written by: Stefano Ceroni Seemingly, one cannot go through a divorce proceeding these days without one party threatening the other with the new four-letter word in divorce–Attorney’s “F-E-E-S”.  As a...