Discovering Your Life’s Purpose and Beginning to Live It Today
Episode 34
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Disclaimer: The materials and content within this podcast are intended as general information only and are not to be considered a substitute for professional legal advice or a consultation with a lawyer.
1. Family Law Tip of the Week
If you are in the middle of a case and trying to negotiate child support or spousal maintenance (alimony) for yourself, do your best to ensure that you will receive the support you need in case something happens to your ex. One way you can do this is by negotiating a life insurance policy in the name of the payor as part of the settlement. In doing this, make sure you own the policy and you are the one responsible for making the payments on the policy. (Things could get dicey if you have to rely on your ex to make the payments in the future.)
2. Discovering Your Life’s Purpose and Beginning to Live It Today
Allen Vaysberg is the founder of the School of Human Potential. He was led to where he is today after being in the IT sector for 15 years. In 2012, he decided to quit because he didn’t feel as though he was being true to his purpose. For the next year, Allen set out to figure out who he really is.
When Allen chose to get into his profession in the IT industry, he did it strictly for the money. He didn’t find happiness or fulfillment doing this. The fact is that many people do similar things in their own lives.
Nurturing Children to Follow Their Passions
In terms of nurturing our children to follow their passions, it is not just about what we say. It is also about what we do (and what they see). On this topic, there are two schools of thought: (a) what can the child do to support themselves or (b) what do they really want to do with their lives. As parents, the best thing we can do is raise them as well-rounded as we can.
Do What Makes You Happy and Take Small Steps
In discovering your life’s purpose, think about what is actually going to make you happy. Choose your career based on this. Anything you want to do, you can make money doing it. To make money, however, you have to be really be good at what you do (which is possible if you love it).
In pursuing your purpose, you have to take whatever small or large step that makes you feel comfortable. If we think that we are stuck (because of no time or little money), remember there is always time and there are always little steps we can take. First, however, you have to know where you are going and set your intention.
Continue growing! Try different things. Take small steps. You are free to change your mind.
Concrete Ideas for Discovering Your Life’s Purpose
Describe yourself in a few words. Take a pen to paper and write these things down in the center of the page.
Around that center, start listing the things you like and are good at. As you move away from the center, write down things you are good at, but that you might not enjoy so much.
Now, make another list. Write down day-to-day activities that you have been doing for the past two months. Look at the first list (the chart you made) and the list of the things you are actually doing. Compare and see where you fit. In fact, most of the activities that you do every day probably aren’t really “who” you are.
The next step is how you transition your essence into the real world, making a living.
Bridging the Gap Between Who You Are and What You Do
Begin by writing down your dreams and ambitions. Start expressing those things in whatever small way you can. It can be by reading a book, by acting, by painting, writing, etc. You can do it!
In finding balance between providing for others and for yourself, combine the things you love with the things you want to give to others (like your children). Combine the time you are spending with your family with the things you want to do. You can always find a way of expressing no matter how busy how you are.
Take Ownership Over Where You Are Now and Appreciate What Just Happened
Everything that you are lead you to this moment. Look at the past. Look at the present. Look at the future. Think about what you want to do with your life, then begin to put the pieces together.
You bring into your experience whatever you choose to have in your world. You can choose to experience happiness or sadness. Setting intention is very important because it brings the energy that you send out into the world back to you.
The setting of intention does work. It can work for anybody. As far as setting your intention, you have to do it in a way that works for you – write it down, speak it out loud or just think it. Your intentions will manifest more quickly once you are in total agreement with what you want.
The intention of one person cannot override the intention of another. It is very difficult to change another person. You can’t force someone to change just because you intend it to happen.
In terms of setting your intention, Allen refers to a book called “Mind Over Medicine” by Lisa Rankin, M.D., in which she talks about how your mind can overcome your health problems.
Dealing With Fear In Living Your Life’s Purpose
Look at fear in the face and ask yourself what you are really afraid of. If your worst fear comes true…then what?
It will be OK.
Dealing with fear is looking within. You are the only one who can give you the answers behind your fear. Listen to yourself.
Living Your Essence
It feels happy. It feels fulfilling. It feels satisfying.
You know who you are. You are not ashamed or fearful. You are you.
When you feel this way, everything in your life is beautiful.
Allen closes with a poem from his book called Inspirer.
You can find Allen Vaysberg at, at
3. The Family Law News
Today Matt Storrs gives us his take on low blood sugar, relationships, and hangriness.
Many thanks to for the sound byte!