Child Support Modifications
If you are interested in bringing your divorce case to resolution using a collaborative law divorce model, you already know there are different ways to achieve finality in a civil, kind and fair way.
Collaborative law divorce
The most commonly understood collaborative law divorce model is one in which the parties work together cooperatively, yet informally, to achieve a result that serves the highest good for the family. Parties who are using an informal collaborative law divorce model to resolve their matter may do so with the assistance of mediators, parenting coordinators, parenting conference providers and/or alternative dispute resolution. Parties who utilize the informal collaborative law divorce model may do so with or without the assistance of attorneys. The decision by two parties to proceed collaboratively, yet informally, is an unwritten commitment they are making to each other and the family.
The second, less well-known, collaborative law divorce model is “full team interdisciplinary collaborative divorce”. Parties interested in pursuing this newly emerging resolution method enter into a written contract at the onset of the case in which they agree to resolve their case without taking the matter to trial.
Each party must retain an attorney and a mental health coach. If there are children involved, the parties must jointly retain a mental health specialist to act as the voice of the children. Additionally, the parties must retain a financial professional who will provide information and projections regarding assets and liabilities.
The parties and the team of professionals schedule all future case meetings at the onset of the matter. This ensures the parties know when the case will be done, as well as the projected cost of the case to completion. As in any situation, case fees and costs could be more (or less) depending upon the issues needing to be resolved and each party’s readiness and willingness to move forward as scheduled.
The full team interdisciplinary collaborative law divorce ensures that parties have the resources available to address every potential issue that could arise in the course of working through the case matters. In the event emotional issues arise, the mental health coaches are qualified to assist the parties in managing those emotions. If the children are experiencing trauma over the divorce and action needs to be taken, the children’s attorney is in a position to speak for the children.
Finally, if either party is unsure as to what the financial picture might look like post-divorce, the information prepared by the financial specialist could alleviate some of those concerns.

Child Support Modifications
If you are interested in bringing your divorce case to resolution using a collaborative law divorce model, you already know there are different ways to achieve finality in a civil, kind and fair way.
Collaborative law divorce
The most commonly understood collaborative law divorce model is one in which the parties work together cooperatively, yet informally, to achieve a result that serves the highest good for the family. Parties who are using an informal collaborative law divorce model to resolve their matter may do so with the assistance of mediators, parenting coordinators, parenting conference providers and/or alternative dispute resolution. Parties who utilize the informal collaborative law divorce model may do so with or without the assistance of attorneys. The decision by two parties to proceed collaboratively, yet informally, is an unwritten commitment they are making to each other and the family.
The second, less well-known, collaborative law divorce model is “full team interdisciplinary collaborative divorce”. Parties interested in pursuing this newly emerging resolution method enter into a written contract at the onset of the case in which they agree to resolve their case without taking the matter to trial.
Each party must retain an attorney and a mental health coach. If there are children involved, the parties must jointly retain a mental health specialist to act as the voice of the children. Additionally, the parties must retain a financial professional who will provide information and projections regarding assets and liabilities.
The parties and the team of professionals schedule all future case meetings at the onset of the matter. This ensures the parties know when the case will be done, as well as the projected cost of the case to completion. As in any situation, case fees and costs could be more (or less) depending upon the issues needing to be resolved and each party’s readiness and willingness to move forward as scheduled.
The full team interdisciplinary collaborative law divorce ensures that parties have the resources available to address every potential issue that could arise in the course of working through the case matters. In the event emotional issues arise, the mental health coaches are qualified to assist the parties in managing those emotions. If the children are experiencing trauma over the divorce and action needs to be taken, the children’s attorney is in a position to speak for the children.
Finally, if either party is unsure as to what the financial picture might look like post-divorce, the information prepared by the financial specialist could alleviate some of those concerns.