child custody

Child custody, support and alimony questions for our lawyers in Phoenix not only arise during divorce cases, but can arise post-divorce.

Similarly, legal decision making authority (formerly custody) issues not only affect couples in the process of divorce: unmarried couples, same sex couples, grandparents, and relatives could potentially find themselves in family court regarding a custody issue. Regardless of who you are, our child support and custody lawyers serving the Phoenix area can help explain Arizona’s child custody, support and alimony laws to you.

Together, we will craft a strategy that is geared towards achieving a result that serves the best interests of the children.

If these are questions you are dealing with in your life, our custody and child support lawyers in Phoenix can help:

Spousal Support

Am I entitled to or will my spouse be required to pay alimony? If I pay or receive spousal support, will that affect child support? How long can I receive spousal support?

Child Support

What will the court order as far as child support is concerned? Once the court makes an order for child support, will that amount ever change? If so, what are the things the court will consider before modifying child support?

Enforcement of Child Support

What if the other parent is not paying child support? How can I force the other parent to live up to his or her obligations? What if I have a good reason for not paying child support? What are the consequences for the knowing, willful failure to pay child support?

Legal Decision-Making Authority

What is the difference between joint and sole decision-making authority? How does legal decision-making authority come into play with the day-to-day decisions about our children? Once the court has made an order about who has legal decision-making authority, can that order ever be changed? If so, what needs to be shown before the court will change the previous order?

Custody, Paternity and Unmarried Parents

If the other party and I were never married, is there any way that we can share joint legal decision-making authority (formerly custody)? Because there was an Acknowledgement of Paternity signed at the hospital by both parties, does this automatically mean a father can have say in custody and parenting time decisions without a court order? Can the court force the alleged father to take a DNA test?

Father’s Rights

Am I at a disadvantage simply because I am the father? Am I at a disadvantage because I am the primary breadwinner and historically spent a lot of time working? Because I am a father (and not the mother), is it possible for me to get equal time with our children?

Grandparent’s Rights

Because my son or daughter will not let me have a relationship with my grandchildren, should I file a lawsuit? How much time with my grandchildren is the court likely to give me? Can I ask the court to order my son or daughter to allow me to see my grandchildren during major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Same-Sex Custody Issues

Just because I am not the legal or adopted parent of our children, can I still gain custody and/or visitation rights to them? My partner and I have split up and are sharing time with our children. Does this mean one of us has to pay child support? My partner and I have split up and now she says she and the children are moving to another state. Can she do that?


What steps do I have to take prior to relocating with the children? What are the consequences if one us relocates without permission of the other party or the court? Can the court force a child to come back to the state of Arizona after one parent relocated with the child?

Post-Divorce Modification: I lost my job

Can I modify my child support and/or spousal support? I just had another child. Will this affect my child support? I just found out my ex-partner got a fantastic new job with a high salary. Can I change child support and/or spousal support? Several years have passed since the court entered the last custody and parenting time order. Can I ask the court to change it?