50 Ways to Settle Your Divorce OUTSIDE the Courtroom 1. Go to mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution to have a neutral 3rd party help you settle your divorce. 2. While your case is pending, make sure you GIVE your ex all documentation related to your assets and...
Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be Like Boot Camp It is July now. The season of the Leo. The month of my birthday. The time during which I graduated from boot camp… One summer several years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to sign up for a long weekend of “Boot Camp...
Stop the Ex’s Partner From Seeing the Kids Written by: Stefano Ceroni Do you want to stop the ex’s partner from seeing the kids? We understand. In fact, whether or not a court will actually stop the ex’s partner from seeing the kids is one of the most frequently...
Choosing Your Divorce Allies Choosing your divorce allies wisely is the most important thing you can do for yourself during turbulent times. In fact, you cannot afford not to align yourself with the right people during divorce. In choosing your allies, you should...
How to Get Back at a Cheater As a life coach, I’ve given a lot of thought about how to get back at a cheater so I may pass my discovered wisdom on to the bitter masses. I know, I know… I’m supposed to title blogs with a “5 step plan to blah blah blah…” Blogging life...
Give a Cheater Some Love WARNING: This week’s broadcast delves into sensitive material. It contains controversial content, but is applicable to all of us in some way, shape or form. Names will not be used to protect the innocent. In this week’s update, we will be...