“A Man’s Grill is Community Property” says Arizona.

Community Property, Property Issues

“A Man’s Grill is Community Property” says Arizona.

Written by: Stefano Ceroni

When community property division becomes an issue in divorce, few things in a man’s home are as important to him as his grill. Whether gas, electric, wood burning or charcoal, a grill is an essential part of a man’s domain.  In fact, the family grill may be the only place in the home, other than the garage, where a man is given free reign to do as he pleases.

Perhaps it is the allure of the open flame that harkens a man back to the days of Stonehenge, when fire could only be conjured from the friction of wood and sticks. Or maybe it is the heat and smoke, unbridled and illusive, that draws at a man’s internal curiosities. Whatever it is, it is unmistakable; men are most undeniably drawn to their grills.  Once that bond is forged, it becomes extremely hard to break.

A man and his grill.
A man and his grill.

So, what happens when a couple decides to get divorced?  That’s right, let the battle over community property begin.  You see, if that grill was bought during the couple’s marriage, Arizona law considers it to be community property.  This means that regardless of who used the grill the most, both parties are equally entitled to it.  That’s right men– your wife owns half your grill, according to the community property laws in Arizona.  And, when it comes down to divvying up all the personal property assets, you can almost count on that grill costing you more money than you actually paid for it.

So, what’s the solution, you ask?  Well, during a divorce, no option is seemingly unreasonable according to most parties.  Men and women would often rather see the grill sold at auction than to concede on allowing the other spouse to own it.  You see, the grill symbolizes power, and the person who eventually retains it is often thought to be the victor to whom the spoils are given.

So, until the Arizona Courts adopt the logic of King Solomon, the grill will surely resonate in the realm of community property division forever. Unless, of course, you sign a prenuptial agreement specifically assigning post-nuptial ownership rights to the grill in the case of divorce.  The “catch” you say? Try having this conversation with your fiancé. If you do, odds are, you’ll no longer have one.

You will just be left a single man. A single man with his grill, of course.

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