Fifty Shades of Reasonableness During Divorce Your “shade” of reasonableness during divorce is one of the top factors that will make or break your case: It can mean that you finish your divorce quickly. Or not. It can mean that you spend tens and tens of thousands of...
The WRONG Way to Buy a Car I detest the entire car buying experience. I only do it when forced. Before I am willing to step foot into a car dealership, my current ride has to be broken-down and completely falling apart. Like most people, when buying a car, I want to...
Get a Cheap Divorce! Only $299! “Divorce for $299” advertisements are scattered everywhere. They are difficult to miss in most people’s comings and goings. I see them on billboards on the side of the road. They show up in my Facebook newsfeed. “Divorce for $299”...
7 Steps to Save Money During a Divorce Do you want to save money during a divorce? I have never met someone going through a divorce who doesn’t want to do this. Why? A divorce can cost upwards $10,000, and that’s with only minimal litigation. Really. Maybe you are...
There’s a New Four-Letter Word in Divorce-Attorney’s “F-E-E-S” Written by: Stefano Ceroni Seemingly, one cannot go through a divorce proceeding these days without one party threatening the other with the new four-letter word in divorce–Attorney’s “F-E-E-S”. As a...