The Key to Having a Better Lawyer Than Your Ex
Want to know how you can have a better lawyer than your ex?
I’m going to tell you the most important part of making this happen.
First though, I have a very important question to ask.
What makes you happy?
I mean it. What brings you so much joy or peace or enjoyment that you actually lose track of time when you are doing it?
Is it Monday night football? Cutting loose on the dance floor? A good book? Working in your garden? Maybe its baking something delicious. Sitting on a boat on a lake waiting for a fish to take your bait? Crafting? Working out? Cleaning house?
Yoga. Travel. Swinging kettlebells.
Those last three are just a few of the things that get me to a “peace out” mode. Mmmm…mmmm. Heaven.
So…I’ll ask again.
What are the things that make you happy? How do you feel when you are doing them? Probably the same way I feel:
Excited. At peace. Alive. And like you never want to stop.
Why does this matter?
It matters because that thing that makes you happy… it’s called passion.
Passion is the key. It is the secret juice. It’s what inspires us into action. (<–Click to tweet all this!) It is what makes us create. It allows us to be the best we can be. It is what we are called to do.
Are you living with passion?
Do you spend the majority of your life feeling sluggish. And unmotivated. And bored?
If so, get passionate, buddy!
You are on this earth to be happy. And do what you love. And to give to the world by creating more joy in it by doing YOUR PASSION.
Passion is who you are. It is inside you burning like an ember. (<–Tweet this one, too!) Get quiet for a minute and remember what your passion is. Then light a match and prepare to burn.
PASSION is also the main thing to look for in hiring a lawyer to win your case.
Choosing a better lawyer doesn’t necessarily have everything to do with the knowledge, experience, or education of the lawyer. I have been up against a few Harvard grads who were also the most experienced, expensive attorneys in town. There were times when I found myself shaking in my shoes because of who I thought those attorneys would be in the courtroom. More times than not though, I got myself worked into a tizzy over nothing; I found out that many of those experienced, expensive attorneys DIDN’T have something I DO HAVE:
When a lawyer doesn’t like the work or the client, there are no two ways about what will happen in a case: That lawyer will suck.
Passion. It is one of the most important qualities to look for in a lawyer. Find that person who genuinely cares about you and your case:
knowledge + experience + education + passion about you = A BETTER LAWYER
That’s the magic formula.
My best client relationships were the ones I felt passionate about. My best clients were the ones who inspired me so much I found myself thinking about their cases even when I was supposed to be “off the clock.” My best clients were the ones I actually wanted to have a relationship with after the case was over.
In those situations, the relationships my clients and I had with each other allowed us to be the best people we could be in the course of the cases. With each of those clients, there is no doubt in my mind — I was the better lawyer.
Do you want to have the better lawyer? Have a better relationship with your lawyer. Check out this week’s featured Hernandez Family Law blog post on “5 Hot Tips to Creating a Winning Legal Team” to get the 4-1-1.
So… I want to hear from you on this. What is YOUR passion? What makes you happy? What makes hours fly by like seconds when you are doing it? Leave me a comment below and tell me what it is. If you aren’t sure yet, tell me what you’re going to do to find that thing you are passionate about.
For now, I’ll leave you with a few more things that bring me joy:
Writing these posts FOR YOU.
Working WITH YOU to help you find happiness.
Sending you wishes for a week in which treat yourself to a sip of the secret juice: PASSION.
All my best,