The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart

Divorce Coaching, E-Book, Family Court Judges, Wendy Hernandez Blog

The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart

The Reasons You Should Read “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart”

If you are involved in any sort of family court case, the chances are great that at some point, you will have to appear in front of a family law judge. While you and your ex may be able to work through many of your issues without court intervention, if you don’t or can’t, then someone is going to have to make some decisions for you. That person is going to be your family law judge.

In my latest e-book, “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart,” I give you vital information you need to know to put your best foot forward in front of your judge.

I Know What Family Law Judges Want


I have been appearing in front of family law judges for the majority of my career. I have witnessed the things that upset and make them angry. When I represent my clients, I let them in on those things which always puts them two steps ahead of the other party when it comes to making judges happy.

You Can Have Access to This Information, Too

I want to help you get inside the head of your family law judge. You can have access to “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart” by signing up for my e-mail newsletter.

Get your copy of “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart” by clicking here and entering your e-mail address.

Once You’re Done Reading, Please Share!

Once you’ve read “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart,” please share your thoughts about it in the comments below. Let me know if you decide to use any of these keys with your own family law judge and how they work. I also encourage you to share this e-book in the following ways, too:

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Get your copy of “The 10 Keys to Your Family Law Judge’s Heart” by clicking here and entering your e-mail address.

Once you do, check your e-mail inbox to start reading. Good luck!

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