Michael Jackson and How You Can Melt Butter With Your Eyes

Inspiring Quotes, Life Coaching, Newsletter, Wendy Hernandez Blog

Michael Jackson and How You Can Melt Butter With Your Eyes

You can melt butter with your eyes.

You can also eat fire if you want to.

Or breathe fire.

Or make a flame grow bigger using only your thoughts.


You, my friend, are a magician. You’ve always known how to perform any “trick” you’ve ever wanted to do. Somehow, somewhere, life got in the way and you forgot how powerful you really are.

Today, I’m going to remind you what you need to do to start making magic in your life again.

It’s 3 in the morning, and I’m a little wound up. I feel like I’m flying. I want to dance.

I’m in Las Vegas.


I’m here for work with my brilliant brother, Shannon, but I decided to mix in some fun and go watch Cirque de Soleil’s newest show – Michael Jackson’s One. I just got back to my room a couple of hours ago, and I want to sleep, but I can’t. So….instead of lying in bed wide awake and listening to Shannon snore, I’ll write.

To you.

Since I’ve been here, I’ve witnessed a magician do mind-blowing card tricks right in front of my eyes. I watched a hypnotist make an everyday girl swallow fire. I was transported to Neverland, as I saw The King of Pop’s music come alive again.


You don’t like Michael Jackson? Ah well…that’s OK. We all can have an opinion and still live in harmony.

BUT-whether you like MJ or not, if you think about him, his life, and his music, you can still leverage the gifts he shared to create more happiness and magic in your own life. Here’s how:

Live from your heart.

Turn on a Michael Jackson song. Almost any song will do. Do it NOW.

Ok…too lazy? Well then, I’ll do it for you.  Click on the video below:

Turn the volume all the way up. Really listen to this song. Feel this song. Feeeel it.

How can you not want to get up and dance? Or clap your hands? Or at least tap your foot?

You want to. Admit it!

Michael lived from his heart. You can feel it in every piece of music he ever created.  Because he lived from his heart, he created music with depth and emotion and was able to touch billions of people with it.

What was Michael’s magic secret for living from the heart?

He never, ever lost sight of his childlike playfulness or his fear of taking risks when it came to his passion.

Remember…MJ began his career as a young child, a time when we are most in touch with the ability to laugh, play and just be. When we are children, we don’t even know that failure is an option, so we aren’t afraid to try new things. When we fall flat for the first time, we become afraid.

We want to stop trying.  We get disconnected from our hearts. Because we aren’t in touch with our hearts, we have a hard time fully living from them.

We start forgetting how to make our magic happen.

When you live from your heart, you live with passion. You can create music as amazing as Michael Jackson’s. Or you can write books. Or make new friends.

You will have abundance in your life. You will create beauty. You will create anything you want.

Get into touch with what makes you laugh and want to play.  Then, do it. Today.  And do it again tomorrow.  And do it the next day. Keep on doing it…

See what happens. It will be magic, I promise.

Live in love.

What did MJ talk and sing about most when he was alive?

Love. And being in love. And living in love.

Michael was a walking, talking example of how we all should love.

Did you ever see “This is It,” the movie that was released shortly after Michael’s death? It was about the work he had been putting into what would have been his biggest and greatest tour ever.

Anyway…whether you watched it or not…there is a part of the movie where Michael and his troupe were practicing the show.

It is clear from the scene that Michael knew exactly how he wanted things done.  His “people” weren’t doing it that way. Michael commanded what it was he wanted his group to do.  He gave criticism.  He was powerful and effective.

But he did it with love… In fact, he went so far as to tell his people he was doing it “with love.”

Can you live your life as Michael did, with compassion and love?

Can you open your heart to everyone—even those people you don’t like?  Even if you think a person is the worst human on the planet, can you give him or her the benefit of the doubt?  Can you remember that a person has grown to be a certain way because of life’s experiences, some of which haven’t been that person’s fault?

Have empathy for the circumstances of others. Ask how you can help.  Then help.

Make a difference in someone’s life because you can, not because you will get anything out of it.

Through all of this, remember to love yourself.

Unfortunately for Michael, that was a lesson he was still learning when he died.  Maybe his inability to love himself is what ultimately killed him.

Don’t let that happen to you.  Do more than just accepting or tolerating your imperfections. LOVE them.  They are yours.  They are what make you unique, perfect and YOU.  Your “faults” are your battle scars, and you wouldn’t be the amazing, powerful warrior you are had it not been for a few failed battles.

Love others, and love yourself.  Always.

Then…watch the magic unfold.

Ask for support.

Magicians have assistants.  We all need help sometimes.  Ask for it when you need it.

Michael needed help.  Despite the beauty he created and the love he spread, he was still hurting inside up until the day he died. I don’t know if he asked for the type of help he needed.  I don’t know if he knew what type of help he needed.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, unsettled or alone, you need something. What do you need? Only you know what you need.

Figure out what you need.  Find a place to be alone.  Turn off all distractions.  Sit quietly.  Focus on your breath.  Think only about your breath and the present moment.

Ask yourself what it is you need.  Don’t push away the thoughts. Let them come in.  Listen. You will hear the answers.

Once you have them, ask someone who can support you to stand by you. Whoever that person is, s/he is your brother. Or your sister.  And that person is One with you.

Asking for support doesn’t make you weak.  It makes you brave. And strong.

And it just might save your life.

And there is nothing more magical or beautiful than that, my friend.

Sending you my wishes for a week in which you feel your passion, give your love, and make your magic.

All my best,


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